In two villages conducted
exercises to help communities to identify priority needs.
Internal Capacity Building
Together with the village committee of Selmeli kel, they designed a project and received funding
from the British Embassy to construct a mill.
14. Uchgun, Turkmenbashi etrap, Dashoguz
Activity overview
Conducted health training for 69 participants from rural communities and personnel from the
local Health House.
Participated in the Dashoguz CSSC roundtable on health issues in the Boldumsaz etrap.
Organized a roundtable discussion for medical personnel in Turkmenbashy etrap to discuss
prevention activities that communities, NGOs and governmental medical agencies can employ.
Internal Capacity Building
Organized a meeting to develop the new Healthy Community training module on Problems of
Anemia and ways of preventive measures.
Regularly participated in the Discussion club of the Dashoguz CSSC.
Uzbekistan (Focus NGO)
Agreements with the Focus NGOs were active through March 31, 2003 and were not extended
beyond that date. As such there were no activities with the Focus NGOs in Uzbekistan for this
reporting period.
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