2. Junior Achievement Economic Education and Young Entrepreneurs Center
Activity overview
Two trainers conducted a one day seminar on technology of critical thinking for NGOs and
teachers in partnership with Uzbek trainers from AED, Ednet and DIKS.
Senior managers went to Almaty for a working group meeting with the CIS Regional Director for
Junior Achievement to develop the JA program in Turkmenistan.
Internal Capacity Building
Two members of the organization completed the one year program "Study for Trainers",
organized by National Advice on Economic Education of USA.
The Center received support from Regional JA office in Almaty through educational
methodology literature (500 complete sets comprised of the methodology manuals for teachers
and a textbook).
3. My Right
Activity overview
Conducted three seminars for the UNHCR project for refugees.
Conducted two seminars on consumers rights for Ashgabat residents. The seminars were
supported by the Auto Transportation Department of city.
Two newsletters were published and distributed.
Brochures were published in Persian on women's rights and questions of domestic violence.
Internal Capacity Building
Participated in UNHCR seminars.
Participated at the Association of Lawyers roundtable to discuss taxation issues.
Participated in the Arkadag roundtable on issues of drug prevention. Participants included
representatives of various state structures, international organizations, and public organizations.
4. Union of Pensioners Arma
Activity overview
Each Sunday the Union hosted meetings with members (20 25 people each session) for experts to
provide consultations on medical, legal, and pension legislation issues.
Information regarding legal and medical issues was regularly updated and distributed to members.
The project Laundry is being successfully implemented and the number of served members has
Internal Capacity Building
One and two days seminars on "Basic of marketing and "Basic computer's knowledge" were
conducted for members.
The NGO facilitated meetings in connection with the program "The International visitor" for
NGOs to learn about US study tours.
Organized a visit to the National Museum for members.
5. Shamchyrag Tukmen Association of Journalists on Social Partnership
Activity overview
Organized the roundtable on "Social partnership in operation: experience and prospects" with
participation from government, international organizations and public organizations.
Conducted a seminar on "Journalistic skill" at the summer school of journalism as a follow on to a
similar meeting in Kyrgyzstan.
The NGO facilitated meetings in connection with the program "The International Visitor" for
NGOs to learn about US study tours.
Internal Capacity Building
The Association won a World Bank innovation grant for the project "Knowledge force. Remote
area" to develop a network in etraps.
Participated in the Second Forum of Eurasian media for journalists and other media personnel.
Several members took part in the Arkadag roundtable on AIDS prevention.
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