and rules for participation, and clarify amendment protocol. Jointly with NGO Women Voters the Hub
developed a one day training that is accessible and comprehensive for a community level audience.
As a result, 28 trainings have been provided and information about the partnership and the trainings
was published in the local paper.
In April 23 25 Hub staff attended TB training provided by the leader of Almaty NGO Young leaders.
The training proved to be very effective and encouraged people to feel a part of a strong team. They
learned about eachother, personal values, and the values of the organization. They asked a number of
questions about team work, management and leadership conflict prevention and resolution. The
trainer did her best to motivate people for open discussions and used the most effective team building
exercises, which helped staff be tolerant and supportive.
Organizational Development
At the beginning of April the Hub reviewed all CSSC budgets for the extension period and approved
them. On the average each Center got around $4,400 for three months of activity. The CSSCs revised
their work plans to reflect additional activities for extension period.
All network members including staff from the Hub Office were invited by the Kurgon Teppa CSSC
to participate in a presentation of the new office space. The building was constructed by the CSSC
with funds from Counterpart, UNHCR and their own income from fee for services and loan programs.
Local NGOs, CBOs, community leaders, and governmental officials participated in the presentation.
All who made a speech underlined a significant work of the Center, their willingness and readiness to
help all that need their help and services. The presentation was combined with the closing of the
Community Outreach program. All CSSC managers presentated achievements, partnership
experiences, tangible results and impacts of the community outreach program. The presentation ended
with the awarding of certificates to community leaders who successfully implemented CAGs.
A CSSC was established in the Garm district, Rasht Valley. Counterpart Tajikistan awarded an
Institutional Grant to the new CSSC in the amount of $5,000 USD to acquire equipment and furniture
for the office. In Rasht Valley, Garm district CSSC has been established on the basis of the local
NGO National Reconciliation the mission of which is to promote the development and support of
Civil Society. Within the implementation of the Phase III program Rasht Valley remained beyond
Counterpart activities. In the area there are 13 NGOs and 38 Jamoat Development Committees and
the Dushanbe CSSC couldn't be responsive to the capacity building needs of this population.
Community Outreach
Within extension period the key activity was follow up and close out evaluation of projects. Recently
all Community projects have been completed. Database includes 46 reports on closing evaluation.
CSSC staff and Hub PCs are finalizing the evaluation process for inclusion in the final report. The
core indicator of the Community Mobilization component has been met and there are many examples
that demonstrate the impact of Counterpart interventions at the community level. The most important
achievement of the program was provision of projects sustainability, that depended not only from the
proper implementation of the project, but the attitude of the population to the results of the project,
their feeling of ownership. CAGs where SP is a key element are complemented by the sizeable
contributions from local governments. There are examples where CAGs raised the motivation of
governmental officials and as the result other infrastructure projects have been implemented at the
expense of the communities and local governments without any external funding.
On May 27 the Mayor of Dushanbe met with NGOs at the initiative of Dushanbe CSSC. The
Dushanbe Center has been instrumental in changing the climate surrounding social partnership. They
have created a Coordination Committee with the Mayor, other governmental officials, International
Organizations, and NGOs. Their role will be to identify socially significant issues, prioritize them and
find ways to solve them. All committee members confirmed their readiness to provide resources for
problems solution.
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