Regional Overview
Training Activities
The major training event in this quarter was a regional follow up training workshop in Developing
Community Networks. Tom Kiernan, Program Manager for the Rural Community Network and
Sonya Murray, Director for the Triskele Community Training and Development presented the
Northern Ireland experience and approaches in the area of developing networks. The training activity
aimed at enhancing participants' knowledge, skills and understanding of network development and
introducing the concept of `social capital'. Participants were exposed to a number of effective
community networks operating in Northern Ireland and established for economic and social
Training participants included Community Outreach Program Coordinators, representatives of
Support Centers and communities involved in developing community networks. In the course of the
training participants were introduced to a wider range of strategies for initiating and developing
community networks. The participants exchanged their experiences of developing community
networks in the context of Central Asia and concluded by drafting Action Plans. Those Action Plans
indicated how the participants would adapt and implement mechanisms and tools for maintaining
effective networks in their countries.
During this quarter the regional office began developing a new Training Plan for 2003 2004. All Hub
and Support Centers were involved in preparing requests for supplementary funding through the
AED START Program to support additional trainings. The Regional Office provided assistance in the
design of Training Activity Request Forms in accordance with the regional and country specific
program priorities. Altogether 36 TARFs were submitted from Counterpart to USAID and AED for
Organizational Development
During the quarter, Counterpart continued to focus on strengthening the capacity of the Hub centers.
In June, a training workshop in Leadership and Management was conducted by the Russian agency
Leader. Country Directors, Program Managers and Financial Managers from all five country offices
and Regional Program Coordinators participated in this training which covered:
Efficient management and its importance for the organizational effectiveness;
Similarities and differences between the concepts of leadership and management;
Key roles and functions of manager in an organization;
The concept of corporate culture;
Leadership and management skills;
The concepts and differences between strategic and operational management;
The concept of managerial technologies;
Types of management decisions and the differences among decision making technologies; and
Personnel recruitment and hiring systems.
Using information from the Country Directors meeting, the Regional office developed a draft set of
criteria and indicators to assess CSSC performance. The purpose of the assessment is to identify
partners for the new CSSI program of Counterpart. The proposed time horizon for gathering
information is for the period of January 2001 June 2003. This will enable us to fully utilize our
existing MIS/database and will be also helpful for defining further dynamics of organizational
performance. The performance indicators and criteria will be used for future periodic assessments
and subsequent capacity development plans. All these components will form a Performance based
Organizational Capacity Development approach, the main theme of CSSI program.
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