Social Partnership
Officials of Karakalpakstan Promote CSO Development in Villages
Many government representatives in the Republic of Karakalpakstan have limited experience with
NGOs leading to great skepticism about third sector development in Karakalpakstan, in particular in
rural areas. On March 14 the CSSC in Nukus conducted the workshop NGO and Community for
government representatives, including 17 deputy khokims, 33 mahalla committee representatives, and
nine members of the media. The workshop was conducted in Karakalpak, thus making it possible for
rural participants to understand and participate. The participants were very responsive to the
interactive training methodology used as well as the workshop materials prepared specifically for a
government audience. The officials expressed their willingness to promote NGO development, in
particular in rural districts. As a result four initiative groups were set up in four rural districts under
the Karakalpak branch of the Uzbek Association on Reproductive Health. These groups are
conducting education activity with the support of local authorities.
Community Mobilization
Counterpart's first project in Djizak region has been successfully completed
The Djizak region is in the steppes of Uzbekistan is densely populated and inactive. Many objects of
social infrastructure have worn out in recent years and need renovation, in particular water supply
systems. Counterpart's CSSC in Samarkand has conducted a number workshops, including PCA, for
the staff of the Khokim's Office and mahalla activists in the Gallyaaral district. At residents' requests
the CSSC also conducted PCA exercises in the mahalla Bakht with all 3053 residents. The PCA
identified lack of drinking water to be a priority problem. An Initiative group Madad was set up, to
design a project to clean the well, lay pipes, and to install a pump. The project, supported by
Counterpart, motivated mahalla residents and attracted new partners and stakeholders. For example,
the poultry farm committed to provide electricity for the pump and to pay all associated costs. The
community contributed resources to build a shelter for the well and the pump and to put additional
pipes in to provide water to the school, Lyceum, kindergarten and market. A number of NGOs, media,
and local authorities were involved in the project. Representatives of the Khokim's Office mobilized
community members and the company Vodocanal committed to maintain the well and the pipes. The
Mahalla committee will be responsible for collecting money from local residents for using water. This
is the first NGO project in Djizak to improve infrastructure, which generated interest from the US
Ambassador to Uzbekistan, who visited the project to see the results.
Home nurses provide first medical aid in the villages
One of the acute problems in the countryside is the low level of first aid practices. To solve this
problem the Center Yangi Avlod, supported by Counterpart, set up first aid center in the mahalla
Bekabad of Urgench. This mahalla is 30 kilometers away from the district center. 52 women,
residents of the mahalla, were trained to be home nurses. Over a six month period, 120 people visited
the medical center for help. Home nurses were able to provide urgent medical aid in eight emergency
cases. Statistics shows that children s mortality rate in the mahalla has decreases by 22% compared to
the previous year, and the infectious disease rate has decreased by 10%.
Twenty families in the rural mahalla Navoiy solved the problem of gas supply on their own
Twenty families in the mahalla Navoiy of Uchkupryuk district in Ferghana did not have gas in their
houses. The Youth and Yomen's Center Iftikhor implemented a project, supported by Counterpart,
resulting in the supply of clean drinking water to 110 households. The success of that project
encouraged mahalla residents to become more active and start solving their social problems without
assistance. 20 families in the mahalla mobilized their resources, purchased and laid the pipes and
constructed gas distributing points and now have gas to cook and heat their houses.
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