Connection with Donors Is Enlarging
Financial sustainability is one of the most important issues for NGOs and initiative groups of the
Akhal velayt and Ashgabat city. One of the basic sources of NGO financing is grant pools. In
Turkmenistan the number of donor organizations is limited, and the Ashgabat CSSC takes great care
to assist NGOs and initiative groups in their search for potential donors by: updating their database of
donor organizations; publishing monthly digests; hosting regular Informational Club meetings;
facilitating meetings with donor organizations to familiarize NGOs with new grant programs and
fundraising opportunities; and providing NGOs with consultations on projects design and proposal
writing. In January the World Bank presented its small grants program and contest for innovative
ideas with the assistance from the Ashgabat CSSC. Representatives of 42 NGOs were present and
expressed great interest in the new program. Twenty organizations developed project proposals with
consultative help from the Ashgabat CSSC, and five projects were supported by the Word Bank Grant
Committee. Similar activities are carried out by the Ashgabat CSSC to assist the NGOs in project
design and proposal writing for submission to the Democracy Fund of US Embassy, the British
Embassy, the Fund of the Netherlands, Eurasia Foundation, and the Women's Global Fund.
New Opportunities
The Lebap CSSC, seeking to improve volunteer involvement in NGO activities, recruited a team of 47
volunteers. The system of effective volunteer management developed by the CSSC is a process that
includes volunteer recruitment, orientation, and creating incentives. Some of the incentives include:
free English Language Courses; computer training; free access to the Internet; and rewards for
excellent volunteers. The activities of volunteers vary tremendously and the idea of volunteerism has
become widely adopted.. In one case, a team of 9 volunteers has been actively involved in Lebap
NGOs activities by organizing activities such as a Contest for Turkmenabat Best Embroider; two
sports competitions for disabled children, a crafts fair to support a local orphanage, a Novruz Bayram
holiday celebration for Aged People Center, a seminar on conflict resolution, and a film about NGO
activities. Additionally the Lebap CSSC volunteers help clients to use e mail, Internet resources,
computers and other office equipment, search for information, and translate materials. Having
originally started as just CSSC's helpmates, the volunteers are now capable of working independently
developing and implementing new creative ideas and initiatives. To increase the effectiveness of the
job being done, the volunteers work out the rules and procedures for them to distribute responsibilities
and manage the process.
Social Partnership
Strengthen of the relations
The potential for social partnership is weakened by dissociation and the lack of information about
NGO work and achievements. In the summer 2002 Counterpart supported 10 CAG projects on
infrastructures problem solving with community involvement and partnership development in Akhal
velayt. The Ashgabat CSSC held a roundtable discussion in May on the Integration of efforts of
governmental and public organizations for local initiative development where 22 representatives
from local authorities, NGOs, initiative groups and communities participated. The results and
experience from these 10 CAGs were shared and led to a productive discussion resulting in the
creation of a Coordination Group on Social Partnership of Akhal velayt. This group, formed by
representatives from NGOs and governmental structures, developed guidelines and a workplan. The
first activity of the Coordination Group was to conduct a needs assessment in the four etraps of Akhal
velayt. Next the Coordination Group began looking for a resources to solve identified problems. In
addition to working together to address community needs, NGOs and government are now working
together as equals.
With care for a health
In the recent past NGO activities have not been taken into consideration by governmental departments
and NGOs were not recognized as a viable resource or partner. Members of Uchgun participated in
Counterpart trainings in Social Partnership, Facilitation Skills Development, and TOT and received
consultations on project design and proposal writing from the Dashoguz CSSC. With these skills
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